Retiring the photobooth…

After a few updates to Mac OS X, my photobooth isn’t working with the few latest versions of the Mac operating systems. I’ve decided, for now, to retire this photobooth project. I sincerely thank you to everyone who has offered their support and of course everyone who has smiled and captured memories in the photobooth.


Photo Booth: Some Customer Feedback and a Hello

Hi Folks!

It’s been a few years since I started working on this photo booth for my sister (in 2008!) Crazy!

Just wanted to pop on here and say Thank You to all of you who have contributed and used my booth at your holiday parties, Friday night gatherings, weddings, birthday parties, fundraising events, school celebrations and graduation parties!

I’ve heard a ton of great things from many different folks from around the world, so I just wanted to share a few with you!

“We used this last year for our wedding and it worked perfectly!  I said that I would donate some more money if we used it and I finally got around to doing it, thank you so much!  It was a really awesome addition, so many guests did it and loved it.  One of the bridesmaids liked it so much they asked we bring our stuff to her wedding this weekend.” -Kyle

“Thanks it was a big hit last night! I’ll send people your way if somebody asks about it.” – Ritchie

“Everything works great! Thanks for making this available for others.” – Amanda

“This is awesome!  Thanks so much and great job!”-Tursan

“I bought the photobooth application from you back in 2011 for my wedding, and loved it.” – Kevin

“You are a GENIUS!  And I appreciate you more than you will ever know!  🙂  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” – Angel

“Oh my gosh!!!!!  This is wonderful.  It was so easy to get working and I am absolutely ecstatic about having to use at a wedding!” -Beth

“I’ve seen your photobooth in action at one of my friend’s wedding. It was great! =)” -Chris

“Installed it on my fiancee’s computer…. works like a dream! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS!” -Hannah


It makes me so happy that folks all around have been able to enjoy the booth! Keep smiling!




MAKE Magazine!

Thank you for all of your support so far. I’m happy to announce that my DIY Photobooth has been featured in the latest copy of MAKE Magazine. It is a quarterly publication that showcases many neat DIY geekeries. Go pick up a copy at your local bookstore!

The digital preview is available here.


Well it’s not my nostalgia cause I wasn’t alive, but I’ve spent the day converting and editing some old film found in my grandmother’s attic. These are from 1950’s..probably around 1956 or so, and some from the 60’s as well. I projected the film onto a wall and filmed the output with my Canon HD camcorder. I put some cheesy music over the videos, as they are all silent films. Enjoy!

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